The Secret to Why You’re Not Succeeding
The path to not being just another clone

I consume a lot of content in my day to day life.
I’m on social media platforms, here on Medium, reading the news, watching television and movies. Nothing too dissimilar to what the average person does.
What I notice more than anything is that when one person is successful, there is a tendency to try to copy that success.
You see this in big blockbuster movies all the time.
For every Transformers movie, there’s one called Transmutators. For every Jurassic Park movie, there’s a Jurassic City.
Similarly, for every Dan Koe, Kieran Drew, or Nicolas Cole, there are thousands of imitators trying to replicate what they do.
The thing about this is that they are all pale imitations of an original product.
I’m not any different.
I’ve tried to replicate things I’ve seen, but that isn’t the issue.
When I replicate things, I’m trying to figure out the mechanics of it.
- How did they make it work?
- What about this gives it traction?
- How can I tweak it and make it my own?
This is an iterative process of trying to figure out my own system.
From what I can tell, many don’t do this. They simply replicate in hope that some of that voodoo will rub off on them leading to stellar results.
Your real power is in your uniqueness, not simply trying to follow the trend.
You simply won’t be noticed if you’re doing or saying the same things as everyone else, paddling the same way down the stream.
You have to paddle upstream, against the current, and show others that you’re not the same.
Instead of producing a lot of mediocre content that resembles everything else out there, focus on making things that are unique and fresh.
Instead of trying to get followers and engagement and subscribers, focus on making something memorable and new.
Learn to be a rebel.
Remember when you were a teenager and you thought you knew everything and you rebelled against all the advice your parents gave you?
That got beat out of you by society as you got older.
I need you to be that teenage rebel again, only this time you’re armed with experience, a decent amount of smarts, and a willingness challenge the norms you see every single day.
YOU are the secret to your success.
When I talk about being a niche of one, this is exactly what I mean.
It’s not about being the same as everyone else.
It’s about looking the fear of being different, the fear of possible rejection, the fear of putting your unique point of view into the world right in the eye and saying, “F*ck it,” then jumping in head first.
The reason all those other people succeeded are because they did just that.
Can you embrace your true authentic self and do the same?
Thanks for reading!
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