The “Reply Guy”
At least they don’t start their comment with, “Well, actually…”

We’ve all encountered The Reply Guy — someone who just cannot resist the urge to counterpoint everything you say in your articles or posts.
Even worse is when they try start word vomiting their one-upmanship all over the place.
They’ve done everything you’ve done in life, but better.
They’re not usually overtly rude. In fact, they often start with praise before diving into their “critiques.”
Let’s investigate The Reply Guy, what makes them tick, and how to handle their (annoyingly) persistent presence in your online space.
Who is The Reply Guy?
The Reply Guy is the frequent commenter on your comment that has seen you’re getting the attention they want, and they love to share their thoughts… and their corrections.
They usually start their response with a compliment: “Great article!”
But they just can’t help themselves: “However, you missed a key point…”
They seem to have a need, a crushing imperative built into them, to balance your perspective with their own, proving their superiority.
Why do they do it?
People do this for any number of reasons, but here are a few:
Their ego seeks validation.
I don’t know if mommy didn’t give them enough hugs or what, but they have a constant need for validation from an external source.
They want people to see them as knowledgeable or gain a sense of importance in the conversation, so they latch on like a leech to people who seem to do what they can’t and prove themselves.
They’re jealous.
They want what you have (even if it’s not much) because they see themselves as knowing more and, therefore, their perspective is more important than anyone else’s.
They simply can’t stand when someone else gets the attention they rightly deserve.
Habitual narcissistic behavior.
For some, this is just simply a habit they’ve formed since they figured out the universe revolves around them. It’s a reflex, like breathing.
They want people to adore their perspective, no matter how rude, off putting, or unwanted it is. They like to say, “I just tell it like it is.” Their subjective truth is the only truth that matters.
How do you handle The Reply Guy?
There are professional ways to handle this so you don’t come off looking like a goon. You can leave that all to them.
- You can acknowledge their comments. Thank them for the engagement and bringing additional points to the conversation. This approach usually diffuses any potential tension, doesn’t give them the attention they want, and then, having starved their ego, they disappear.
- You give them the online equivalent of the middle finger by responding with an emoji. This was actually suggested by John Wedding, and it’s a great technique. An emoji shrug or thumbs up in response once again starves that ego of it’s food, and they usually just look for easier prey.
- Just block them. The best option you have in the online world to keep your mental health sound and secure is the block function. Most platforms have it because The Reply Guy is everywhere. This option was made for him.
Most important of all — DO NOT ARGUE WITH THE REPLY GUY!
This is EXACTLY the reaction they want.
You’re feeding their ego monster its favorite food by losing your cool and flipping your shit on them.
They’re excellent gas lighters and like to respond with things like, “I was just kidding. I don’t know why you’re getting so upset.”
They want to make you into the asshole, because they’re manipulative little turds who are baiting you, irritating you, and doing everything in their power to get an emotional outburst from you.
All in an effort to show how much better a person they are than you.
At the end of the day, you can turn The Reply Guy into a non-entity.
Your attention and upsetting you is what they crave.
They want to manipulate you into giving them what they want, and they’ve practiced a lifetime to do it.
Just don’t fall for it.
There’s no need to defend yourself or your perspective. You’re smart enough to know when you’re being delivered a valid criticism and when you’re just being manipulated.
Let The Reply Guy consume themselves. Ignore them. They really, really don’t like that.
And when they don’t get what they want? They’ll either go away or show their true colors so your audience can see them for what they are.
In the meantime, you’ll remain the pro who looks cool under pressure.
Thanks for reading!
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