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© 2024, Joe Forrest. All rights reserved

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At Niche of One, my mission is to empower aspiring creators with the tools, strategies, and inspiration they need to create impactful content with simplicity and efficiency.I believe in the power of minimalist content creation to help beginners focus on what matters most—sharing their unique voices and ideas with the world.Through actionable advice, innovative resources, and supportive community, I guide first-time creators on their journey to success, turning their passions into meaningful, profitable ventures.


A Promise of Quality

My mindset of creation involves always trying to produce the highest quality content I'm capable of in the moment. Whether it's to educate, entertain or inform, I give my absolute best effort with the tools I have on hand and I don't hold back on sharing my "secrets."

A Promise of Affordability

I have a love/hate relationship with money. I need it to survive, but I hate the fact that it presents so many barriers to people. Everything I create that has a price WILL be priced affordably. I don't create things to set behind a paywall gathering dust.

A Promise of Integrity

I don't like pretty lies. I'm much more of an ugly truth kind of person. I'm not going to sell you the snake oil or the extended warranty. I won't tell you how to 10x anything. I'm just going to share the information I know, that I've tried, and how it's worked for me.



Hi, I'm Joe.

First and foremost, I'm a writer, just like you, that has struggled in the past to make any money at all off of my passion. Now that I've figured out a system, I'm sharing it.II've done a lot of things in my life: USAF Veteran, Project Coordination, Project Management, Server Admin, Website Design, Small Business Consultation, Community Manager, Social Media Content Writer, Copywriter, Technical Writer...You get the picture. I've done a lot.And the reason I did it all was in pursuit of finding a way to do it on my own terms, doing something I love, and helping others do the same.

Get this ebook for free. No opt in required!

If you want a taste of what I offer, download a copy of my eBook "Niche of One: A Short Guide to a Long Game."

If you like what your read, you'll like the daily email even more.

Actionable Advice Daily

You will get a curated newsletter that takes less than 2 minutes to read, every day of the week, with content creation advice that you can immediately put into action to improve your results and your life.

Proven Strategies That Work

I don't hold back on the "secret sauce." I give you tried and true techniques that will increase your readership, improve the quality of your work, and get you results immediately.

Tools and Resources

My promise to you is this - I will never recommend something I don't use. If I tell you it's a product, service, or tool that works and will help you, I believe it because I've used it.


