I Believe In A Thing Called…

Here’s what I believe in the most.

I Believe In A Thing Called…

I have spent a lifetime trying to figure out who I am. This is the core of my being at the moment.

  1. Christ is King. Period
  2. Everything changes. Change with it or learn to be miserable.
  3. Politics is a game show. You’re being conned into a culture war, and there really isn’t anything that separates humanity on the most basic level, regardless of what they might try to tell you.
  4. All that hard work you do today will pay off in the end if you just don’t give up.
  5. The Fifth Element is the greatest science fiction movie of all time.
  6. Conspiracy theories are awesome. John Titor’s story is amazing, but Area 51 isn’t really what you think it is. (I’ve been there, but I can’t talk about it.)
  7. There is nothing more powerful on this planet than the power of love. Love can change you in ways you never thought possible and drive you to do the impossible.
  8. Minimalism and stoicism are two of the greatest philosophies anyone can embrace because they both teach you to do a lot more with a lot less.
  9. If you get knocked down seven times, you need to get up eight. Life is hard. Be harder.
  10. Unnecessary worrying leads to depression. Ask yourself one simple question whenever you worry about something: Can I do anything about it? If yes, then do it. If the answer is no, then don’t worry about it.

Thanks for reading!

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