How Constant Innovation Will Power Your Growth Engine
The most important question you can ask yourself… “What can I change?”
The goal is to always move closer to where you want to be in life, right?
Even if it’s kicking and screaming, the car on fire and rolling across the finish line, you want to get to a place that you envision in your mind as the mountaintop.
You have a goal, a place you want to be, and this is the priority you have set for yourself to achieve.
But it takes work, and sometimes it’s hard to find the right path in order to get where you want.
This is where innovation comes into the picture.
Innovate constantly.
Innovation is change, constantly reevaluating your approach to things and taking new paths to get to your end point when the path you were on seems to lead to a dead end.
I’ve done a lot of different jobs in my life. Each one has taught me valuable skills upon which to build towards my end goal. In my gut, though, I knew they weren’t the end goal… but a stepping stone.
Each time I took a step, I used those past experiences to make the next one richer. I took what I learned and used it to become better and better at what I do. I innovated my approach instead of following the status quo, and it led to compounding results of success.
When you feel like you’ve hit a brick wall in developing your content, your life seems stale, or even the food you like doesn’t give you pleasure…
Innovate. See what changes you can make, think about the path you’re taking. Change that.
Adapt your approach.
While innovation is change, adaptation is the reaction to that change. Some of us adapt rather well. Some do not.
When I was in the military, adaptation was something I learned in order to survive some of the situations I found myself in. If I had chosen to accept what was going to happen, I would likely not be here writing these words today.
If you can learn to adapt, and this applies equally to content strategies, marketing, or just living from day to day, then you have an advantage that few others are capable of exercising.
Most simply accept what is coming their way and call it adapting. Acceptance is not adaptation. Adaptation is seeing what’s coming and finding a way to turn it to your advantage.
When you’re faced with difficult choices or need to overcome an obstacle, stop looking at it as a problem. Look at it as an opportunity to turn the situation to your advantage and engage your critical thinking skills to do just that.
Overcome what’s holding you back.
You will always face times in your life, both personal and professional, where you will have to overcome something.
These past three years, since COVID changed the way the world works and the economy has been constantly disrupted, has been a challenge like none I’ve ever faced personally.
For the first time in my life, I haven’t been able to keep a steady job that will pay my bills and give me some sort of satisfaction with the work I do. I went from making six figure a year to barely living above the poverty line.
I went from a life of abundance to a life of necessity. It was a stark difference, but I overcame by changing. I adopted a more minimalist mindset, getting rid of things and “stuff” that was unnecessary, instead focusing on what matters to me, in both my personal and professional endeavors.
When life throws you that curveball you weren’t expecting, lean into it. Fear is natural, but don’t let it consume you. Take a moment to think the problem through and I believe you’ll find that there are ways to overcome the situation you find yourself in.
Innovation, adaptation, and overcoming obstacles are what will set you apart from those who refuse to do the same.
When I help others become better writers or content creators, I emphasize that not only does it require a change of tactics but also a change of philosophy.
Your perspective on how you engage with the issues you will face makes all the difference.
If you believe you will fail, you will. If you think you can’t, you won’t.
But if you learn to innovate, adapt, and overcome, you absolutely will.
If you find yourself in a place today where you feel stuck, ask yourself one simple question…
What can I change?
Thanks for reading!
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