Did You Know Blogging is Dead?

Because that’s news to me…

Did You Know Blogging is Dead?

It seems like every other day I read a blog talking about how blogging is dead.

Discounting the irony of declaring blogging dead while you blog about it, I wonder what planet these people are on?

They declare…

“Video is killing blogging!”

Okay, first of all… no, just no.

It’s a different medium with its own strengths and weaknesses for sure, but video will never replace the written word or storytelling. Without writing, it wouldn’t even exist.

Unless you don’t use a script of some sort to produce your videos.

At which point I can probably tell you how much of a mess they are.

But, I digress. The point is that while video is an excellent medium to further the written word, it will never replace it.

Here’s why…

The written word has been around since about 3000 B.C., give or take a few centuries.

You can’t really argue with a track run like that no matter how much you want to jump on any bandwagons.

And storytelling as an artform has been around much longer than that.

“Personal blogs are pretty much useless.”

That sentence just makes my brain hurt. The personal experiences, the stories of humanity as individuals, will never be useless.

I don’t care if the story is about how you made your bed that morning while squishing grapes with your toes, someone will find it interesting.

Many come to the conclusion that this type of blogging won’t solve an issue, therefore it’s pointless.

In my opinion, that means the person saying that is not much of a writer.


Because that type of writing DOES solve an issue.

Namely, boredom. I was once bored but now I am entertained by your grape squishing, bed making goodness.

Blogging is about telling your stories. Selling is about telling stories that matter.

If you can relate to your audience, you can take that story of boot stomping grapes while doing your chores and turn it into something magnificent that holds a permanent spot in the reader’s mind.

“Why am I stomping grapes while making my bed, you ask? Because I know a secret about multitasking that can save you time and make you money!”

And there’s the lead in for an offer.

Admittedly, a pretty terrible lead in, but you get the idea. This was for illustrative purposes.

“People only blog so they can sell you their book, course, etc.! Don’t fall for the trap!”

Again, the irony in this particular statement was they were blogging about blogging being dead on their blog and also complaining about people using their blog to sell something while trying to sell their own course on how to blog and make money.

Let’s just say this mess was a big can of WTAF, sprinkled with some OMG, and hit with a dash of SMDH.

I’m not sure who this writer was trying to convince with this argument, but I did notice there was over 1K claps on the story.

All I can say is that should give anyone hope.

Because if that amount of cluelessness and irony can be packed into a story and then get that many people to applaud for it, then I absolutely promise you that not only can you do better, but you can pretty much write about whatever you want and someone will read it.

I wouldn’t recommend that.

Hot takes and crap writing will end up leaving you penniless in the end unless you create a grape stomping, bed making machine.

Just focus on telling good stories, connecting with your audience, and using what works best for you.

Ignore following every bit of advice from the “experts.”

Trust me when I say we’re all making this stuff up as we go along based on our own experiences and perspectives.

Take all our input, use what works, and chuck the rest in the fuck it bucket.

Thanks for reading!

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